Failure to yield in Ocala is when someone fails to yield at an intersection or flashing yellow or red lights, merges into traffic too early, or fails to stop for a pedestrian. Drivers have the obligation to obey the rules of the road in order to avoid harming others.
If you have been in an accident due to someone’s failure to yield, obtain an Ocala failure to yield accident lawyer who will fight by your side during the legal process to ensure you are able to get the recovery you need. Call an established attorney today to get started on your case.
Failure to yield accidents commonly occur in neighborhoods and areas where there are four-way stops or roundabouts. They also tend to happen close to schools or highly congestion areas.
Failing to yield cases can be complicated when there are a roundabout and multiple yield signs. The timing of when vehicles enter the roundabout or intersection will impact liability and help determine if the defendant is somewhat at fault or if the plaintiff and the defendant are comparatively at fault.
An Ocala failure to yield accident lawyer can help the plaintiff establish who was at fault and by what percentage they were responsible.
Most of the time, insurance companies attempt to argue that the defendant is not 100 percent at fault and they attempt to apportion fault onto the plaintiff. That is why it is important for an attorney to get involved early after an accident. The lawyer can inspect the scene and potentially hire an expert accident reconstructionist to assist with establishing liability on behalf of the defendant.
The insurance company has their own interest in mind. Unfortunately, those involved in an accident are just numbers to the insurance companies. A compassionate attorney looks out for the best interests of the person who was injured in the accident. Those interests include making sure one’s car is fixed to recovering adequate monetary damages for injuries sustained as a result of the accident.
The most important thing for an Ocala failure to yield accident attorney is to inspect the scene of an accident soon after the accident takes place to determine when the vehicles entered the intersection and whether there were any skid marks or if evasive action was taken by either party. In The Villages, Florida, there are often video cameras at roundabouts, which may be able to provide evidence to establish liability on behalf of the defendant.
A solo practitioner is able to exert the time and resources necessary to investigate the scene and establish liability on behalf of the defendant.
“Gordon is professional, patient, kind, and knowledgeable. From the first encounter I had with him, he was very kind and attentive. He was responsive throughout the entire process and consistently advocated for me. I would recommend him to anyone in need of legal counsel, as I had a very pleasant experience with him.”
By: April McDonald
Rating: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Jan 1, 2022
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After notifying the authorities and receiving medical treatment that is needed after the accident, it is important to contact an attorney before a person speaks with an insurance company. Most car insurance carriers request a recorded statement immediately after an accident.
By calling an Ocala failure to yield accident lawyer, the injured person will have the counsel of someone who can make sure the record is accurate and their interests are protected. Call today to see if you are eligible for compensation.