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What Are the 7 Most Overlooked Types of Evidence That Can Double Your Personal Injury Settlement in Ocala?

Woman hit by car in Ocala and needs a personal injury lawyer

Maximizing Your Settlement: Hidden Evidence Your Personal Injury Lawyer in Ocala NeedsWhen pursuing a personal injury claim in Ocala, the difference between a modest and substantial settlement often lies in overlooked evidence. Along Silver Springs Boulevard, countless accidents occur yearly, yet many victims unknowingly leave valuable evidence behind. Recent data shows that cases with comprehensive evidence documentation achieve settlements up to 2.5 times higher than those without proper documentation.Tip: Start collecting evidence immediately after your incident, even if it seems insignificant.Don't let the opportunity for a higher settlement slip through your fingers. Reach out to Glover Law Firm today to...

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Why Do 80% of Personal Injury Claims in Ocala Fail Within the First 30 Days?

Understanding Personal Injury Claims with an Ocala Personal Injury LawyerPicture this: You're driving down Silver Springs Boulevard in Ocala when your life changes instantly. Personal injury claims in Ocala often face early dismissal due to common mistakes and oversights. A shocking 80% of these claims don't make it past the first month, leaving many individuals without the compensation they deserve. The key to preventing your claim from becoming another statistic lies in understanding why these failures occur and taking proper steps from day one.Don't let your personal injury claim become just another statistic. Reach out to Glover Law Firm today...

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Shoulder Injury Settlements After Car Accidents in Florida

shoulder injury settlement without surgery in Florida - shoulder injury settlements in Florida

Average Shoulder Injury Settlements in Florida Car accidents can have devastating consequences, often leading to injuries that require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation. Shoulder injuries are a common type of injury resulting from car accidents, and the financial impact can be significant. In addition, the severity of shoulder injuries can vary widely, from mild strains to severe dislocations or fractures, and should not be underestimated. Florida Auto Accident Shoulder Injury Settlement Amounts How much compensation you get for a car accident settlement in Florida varies based on the unique circumstances of each situation and the severity of your injuries. Based on our own...

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Neck Injury & Cervical Spine Injury Settlements in Florida

[vc_row triangle_shape="no"][vc_column][vc_column_text css=""]A car, truck, bicycle, or pedestrian accident in Florida can be a traumatic experience for any victim. Whether you’re rear-ended, slip and fall, or are hit while crossing a street or parking lot - the injuries you sustain can stay with you for a long time. Cervical spine injuries can be particularly hard to diagnose and treat - and something as simple as a small fender bender can actually cause victims quite significant neck and back pain as they try to recover. Our team is experienced with all types of accidents that can be the cause of cervical spine...

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Hit by Uninsured Driver in Florida (What Happens if Someone Hits You Without Insurance)

Florida Car Accident Without Insurance in Florida

Getting in an auto accident in Florida can be overwhelming and scary enough. Getting in an accident with an uninsured driver in Florida when they're at fault adds another level of stress and frustration. What happens if someone hits you without insurance in Florida? In most cases, your insurance will cover an accident with an uninsured motorist in Florida. Who will pay for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain when you're hit by an uninsured driver? The answer depends on a variety of factors, including your auto and medical coverage, who is at fault, how many vehicles were involved in...

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Golf Cart Laws in Florida

Golf Cart Laws in Florida

Florida Golf Cart Laws Here are some FAQs about golf cart laws in Florida. As golf carts become an increasingly popular mode of transportation in the Sunshine State, it is essential to understand the rules and regulations governing their use. We'll cover a range of topics about golf cart usage in Florida, such as legality, driving in neighborhoods, operating hours, street requirements, age requirements, and more. Is It Legal to Drive a Golf Cart on the Street in Florida? Yes, Florida golf cart laws permit you to drive a golf cart on the road under certain conditions. You may only drive a golf cart...

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The Villages Golf Cart Rules and Injuries

Golf carts serve as a convenient way to not only play nine or 18 holes of golf on a hot summer day but also to get around in one’s community. In fact, here in Florida, and within The Villages in particular, golf carts are a common sight and regularly used for commuting short distances, and are allowed on public streets. The Villages has an extensive golf-cart-specific path network with over 90 miles of paved paths, according to Villages News. The downside of using a golf cart is their lack of safety design and crash protection technology. As they are not...

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Golf Cart Accidents: How Often Does a Golf Cart Crash Occur?

How Often Do Golf Cart Accidents Happen?

How often does a golf cart accident happen? According to The Villages Department of Safety, there were 86 golf cart-related accidents reported in 2018 with most of these involving injuries. Many of these golf cart crashes involve a passenger or the driver jumping off or being ejected from the vehicle due to a tip over or a collision with another vehicle. Traditionally, golf carts are to be used within the golf course to allow for transporting golf gear and players. However, their use outside of the golf course is becoming more common. With approximately 50,000 golf carts roaming its roads, many...

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Unique Problems for Victims After a Pedestrian Accident

Everyone probably knows that car accidents are a common occurrence in America. But there is something uniquely terrifying about a pedestrian accident. Some towns have a bigger problem than others. The Villages, Florida is one of those towns where pedestrian and similar accidents are on the rise, and the damage caused can be catastrophic and fatal. Here are a few of the common problems that can arise in a pedestrian crash and how our The Villages personal injury lawyers handle them. Liability Disputes The question of who is responsible for an auto pedestrian collision is often very challenging. For one, pedestrians tend...

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Common Causes of Pedestrian-related Accidents

In 2016, according to reports by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), just shy of 6,000 pedestrians lost their lives due to car crashes. While that number may appear to be relatively small when compared to all of the car accidents, the percentage of pedestrians that die or suffer severe injuries measured up against occupants of vehicles was significantly higher. More than 13% of all vehicle related accident fatalities involve pedestrians. Thus, while it may seem like walking somewhere is a healthier alternative to driving, it is not always the safer choice.  Common Causes of Pedestrian-Related Crashes Generally, there are several frequently...

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How PIP Insurance Works in Florida Personal Injury Claims

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) was created in the 1970s to reduce the number of personal injury claims and to free up the courts from the tens of thousands of minor to moderate traffic collisions that happen in Florida every year. According to the Florida Association of Insurance Agents, legislatures created a mandatory no-fault motor vehicle insurance law that required each driver to have PIP coverage—coverage that protects the policyholder (not the other party), or the “first party.” Today, drivers are required to hold a minimum PIP policy that covers up to $10,000 in medical, funeral, and occupational disability benefits should...

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Traffic Injuries Caused by a USPS Driver

For the most part, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) drivers drive slow, are cautious, and are, more often than not, the victims of traffic collisions, not the at-fault parties. Three of the most common causes of traffic collisions are speeding/aggressive driving, distracted driving, and intoxicated driving—three things that few USPS drivers engage in on the job. However, USPS drivers are still human, and not perfect. There are plenty of cases where USPS drivers are at fault. Whether you were a pedestrian who was hit by an attentive USPS driver or an occupant of a vehicle that collided with a USPS...

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Surgery and Recovery of a Fractured Hip or Pelvis

The hip is one of the most complex, painful, and expensive types of fractures that a personal injury victim can receive. Common in car collisions, trip and falls, dog attacks, bike and pedestrian injuries, and work accidents, a fractured hip will leave the victim unable to walk, run, or get around on their own for quite some time. For elderly victims, a hip fracture can be the beginning of the end; sadly, seniors who fracture their hips have a very high rate of death. If you were injured by a negligent party and suffered a fractured hip as a result,...

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New Ocala Golf Cart Ordinance

June 22, 2020 - Just recently, the city of Ocala made it legal for golf carts to drive through much of southeast Ocala, including the majority of the historic district, according to the Ocala Star Banner. The new ordinance is seen as a win for those who prefer to drive a golf cart, instead of a car, for short distances to get access to parks, restaurants, shops, and the square. While golf carts are not permitted to drive or park downtown, this law allows them to park close enough for a short walk the rest of the way. New Golf Cart Boundaries ...

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Complications of Multi-Vehicle Collisions

Whether an impact from a traffic collision involves a single vehicle or half a dozen, the injuries that victims sustain can be substantial. With multi-vehicle collisions, however, the chances of being injured rise substantially compared to a single-vehicle crash. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 40 percent of fatal crashes are multi-vehicle collisions. Furthermore, when three or more parties are involved, filing a personal injury claim becomes more complicated than if it is just between two parties. An experienced Ocala multi-vehicle collision attorney can help determine who is at fault and what insurance policies are at play, and...

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Why Talking to the Other Party’s Insurance Company Hurts Your Claim

After getting in a car crash, being taken to the hospital following a slip and fall, or suffering an injury from some other type of incident, it can be tempting to just put the whole thing behind you as fast as possible and move on with your life by either “forgiving” the other party who caused the incident, or by accepting an offer from them directly, or their insurance company. The problem with just “letting the incident slide” and forgiving the negligent party is that you are then left with a very big unknown bill that will come months down...

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Negligent Security Bar/Nightclub Injury

All businesses have a duty to keep their premises safe for invitees; bars and nightclubs are one of the most common types of premises for brawls, robbery, sexual assault, spiking drinks—of which there are over 320,000 cases annually—and even kidnapping and murder. This probably comes as little surprise. Research published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine  has shown a correlation between alcohol establishment density and violent crime; the more available alcohol is in a neighborhood, the more assault, rape, robbery, and overall violent crime that neighborhood has. The alcohol establishments themselves are often the epicenters for these types of...

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Ocala High School Sports Brain and Spine Injury Lawyer

High school sports offer a great opportunity to teach young people teamwork, get exercise and create healthy habits that will follow them into adulthood, and instill a work ethic. However, playing sports, particularly football, comes with a risk. In fact, according to research 40.5 percent of all high school sports concussions comes from one sport: football. Moreover, for every year of high school football played, individuals double their chances of developing the deadly neurodegenerative disease Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), the disabling and fatal results of which are seen later in life, according to the New York Times. Football is also...

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Ocala Speeding Collision

It is something that can be avoided as easily as applying slightly less pressure on one’s foot, yet almost every driver does it every time they get behind the wheel of a car. Speeding increases the likelihood of crashing, increases the severity of injuries sustained in a crash, and increases the chances of a fatality occurring in a collision. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), for the past two decades, speeding has been involved in one out of every three fatal crashes. Men are much more likely to be involved in fatal speeding collisions than women, and...

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The 7 Types of Fractures Caused in Personal Injury Accidents

There are seven types of fractures that can occur in a personal injury accident, such as a car accident, work accident, or slip and fall, according to InnerBody, OrthoInfo, and PBMC Health. One type of fracture is not necessarily “worse” than another; the severity of the fracture, the location of the break, the age and health of the patient, and other circumstances often have more to do with a patient’s outcome than the type of break itself. However, some of the following fractures tend to be more devastating for long-term recovery and mobility than others. Transverse Fracture The bone breaks at a...

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Can I Sue For My Dog’s Injuries Caused in a Car Wreck?

Dogs, cats, and other pets are part of the family. They lift you up when you are feeling down, protect you and your family in ways that show the ultimate loyalty, bring happiness on a daily basis, and are always there for you at the end of a long work day. It comes as little surprise that a poll by Pet Food Industry shows that 95 percent of pet owners say their pet is part of the family, and half of all pet owners consider their pet a part of the family as much as another person in the family,...

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Hit By a Car While Riding an E-Scooter or Other E-Device in Florida

E-scooters offer a great alternative to driving when you just have to go a mile or two, or need to get from the bus stop back home. Scooters are slowly transforming the way that people in large cities get around. While we currently do not have any large e-scooter companies like Byrd, Lyft, or Lime in Ocala, e-scooters are already in use in Gainesville on a trial program, according to the Ocala Star Banner. In the meantime, many individuals are purchasing their own electric scooters, hoverboards, bikes, and other devices to do errands and commutes, for exercise, to walk the...

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Ocala Trampoline Injury Lawyer

Many parents who own trampolines set them up for their kids and promptly forget about them. This comes with serious dangers, as trampolines need to be routinely inspected for signs of dangerous wear and tear. They should be placed on even ground away from objects and structures that could worsen a fall. Trampolines should also be equipped with safety nets, which can reduce fall injuries by 50 percent, according to CBS News. However, these nets need to be replaced frequently, or they serve no purpose at all. Younger children should be supervised when using a trampoline, and certain aerial maneuvers...

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How Much is My Injury Worth?

One of the first questions that many victims have for their lawyers is, “How much are my injuries worth in a lawsuit?” The answer to that is impossible to know without delving deep into the case and often waiting months after the car crash or slip and fall to find out if the injuries are healing properly, whether there is any permanent damage, and what the future medical expenses and lost working capacity may be. As an injured accident victim with bills to pay now and real financial fears about the future, this can be difficult to hear. Below is...

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Injuries Caused by a Drunk Boat Operator

Intoxicated driving is reckless, selfish, and immoral. This is just as true for drivers of cars as it is for motorized boats. Unfortunately, many water vessel operators believe that they can either get away with it because of the lack of law enforcement out on the water, or that their behavior just is not as risky and dangerous as it truly is. While there may be more space per water vessel out in the ocean or on a lake than there is per motor vehicle on land, the hazards are equal, if not more, for intoxicated boat operation, and the...

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Is a Liability Waiver Enforceable?

Liability waivers are used for everything from entering amusement parks and signing up for gym memberships, to skydiving lessons and wine tours. While most people do not read all of the fine print in these multi-page documents, according to the New York Times, once you sign such a document, the contract is likely valid. Most liability waivers hold up in courts of law. Whether a plaintiff files a personal injury lawsuit for an accident that they caused themselves, or if the injury was caused by negligence on behalf of the tour company, organizer, guide, or gym, more often than not...

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Uber/Lyft Collision

Uber and other ridesharing companies—the main competitor of Uber being Lyft—have made it easy to hail a car with the push of a button, and are cheaper than conventional taxis. However, they have also caused safety and street congestion problems. Cities across the U.S. are suffering from the congestion issues caused by 10s of thousands of extra cars driving around for hours on end, often with no passengers. In San Francisco, for example, Uber and Lyft cars make up 13 percent of all traffic, according to Streets Blog. Even in Boston, where Uber and Lyft make up ‘just’ 7.7 percent...

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Four Common Types of Intersection Collisions in Ocala

Intersections make up a small percentage of all roadway surfaces, yet 40 percent of all motor vehicle collisions occur at intersections, according to the Federal Highway Administration. Furthermore, 20 percent of fatal collisions occur at intersections. There are over four million property damage intersection collisions annually and 1.7 million intersection injury collisions per year. How Intersection Crashes Occur The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration cites “inadequate surveillance” as a contributing factor in 44 percent of intersection collisions, followed by “false assumption of other’s action,” turning with an obstructed view, making an illegal maneuver, internal distraction, and misjudging a gap or another’s speed in...

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Low Speed Whiplash Collisions

whiplash car accident lawyer Ocala FL

Traffic collisions can cause injuries even at very low speeds, and one of the most common low-speed (and high speed) injuries is that of whiplash. Whiplash the term used to describe torn ligaments and muscle fibers within the neck following a sudden acceleration or deceleration of the head. It causes severe pain and immobility, and can linger for weeks, months, or years. However, it can be hard to prove just how severe your pain is, and you can be sure that the at-fault driver’s insurance provider will fight to devalue your injury claim. Defining Whiplash Whiplash is a strain or sprain of...

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Construction Worksite Fall Accidents

Construction workers have one of the most hazardous jobs in the entire world. In the United States, around 21% of all deaths in the workplace happen to workers in the construction industry. With power tools, overcrowded job sites, heavy machinery and numerous other dangerous conditions, it is not surprising that so many construction workers get severely injured or even die. In 2017, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), construction-related falls accounted for almost 40% (381 out of 971 workers) of the construction industry’s fatality count. Deaths caused by falls on construction worksites are only a fraction of the...

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U-Haul Accidents

Moving season typically lasts during the summer, when the weather is nice. As more Florida residents move into new houses and apartments there is an increase in the number of U-Haul rentals throughout the state. While U-Hauls might make moving easier, the moving trucks also generate a danger to other cars and trucks on the road. Inexperienced drivers driving large U-Haul trucks is a disaster waiting to happen. U-Haul crashes leave victims badly injured or even dead. The Danger of U-Hauls Driving U-Hauls is much different than driving an ordinary vehicle. U-hauls are much bigger than other vehicles and have the ability to...

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Preventing Motorcycle Accidents and Injuries

Riding motorcycles in Florida can be a very fun activity. The state is one of the highest ranked for motorcyclists. From riding along the gator infested swamps in the Everglades to the bright city lights in Miami, there are so many beautiful sites to see. The warm weather makes for perfect riding condition all year long. Unfortunately, motorcyclists are the most accident-prone motorists in the U.S. While motorcyclists only make up roughly 3% of registered vehicles, they are involved in 11% of all crashes. To make matters worse, motorcyclists are twenty-eight times more likely to die in a crash. In 2017 alone,...

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Accidents Caused by Swimming Pool Drains

In the United States, drowning is ranked among the top five causes of accidental injury death. Drowning victims often swiftly disappear under the water’s surface, without creating a lot of noise, making it easy for victims to go unseen. Although we frequently hear about all the ordinary hazards of swimming pools, such as drowning or ending up headfirst in shallow water, we are seldom warned about the dangers of pool drains. Both hot tub and swimming pool drains create a great deal of suction, which can without much difficulty swallow up a swimmer’s hair, limbs, or bathing suit. Examinations done by the...

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Preventing Drowning Accidents

Especially during the hottest months of the year, Florida swimming pools become one of the main centers for beating the heat and humidity. Florida residents view swimming or relaxing by the pool as a fun way to pass the time. Nevertheless, a pleasurable day at the pool can instantly turn into a nightmare. Pool accidents frequently cause serious bodily harm and even drownings. Unfortunately, devastating tales of drownings throughout Ocala and The Villages are all too common and hit close to home. For example, the recent drowning in Ocala of an 8-year-old girl from Georgia. Drowning is a huge crisis and, in...

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Average Medical Costs of Various Personal Injuries

Healthcare costs are rising to astronomical rates. A trip to the Emergency Room typically costs over $1,000 even with the average insurance policy, not including any specialized treatment. Surgeries and multiple night stays in hospitals or ICU rooms drastically increases the expense that car collision victims have to pay for. According to healthcare.gov, the average three-day stay in a hospital costs $30,000. Prescription pain medication, prosthetic limbs, arm slings, and braces all increase the cost of an injury. Below are a few of the most common types of injuries that occur in traffic collisions. And, most victims suffer multiple injuries,...

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Fatigued Truck Drivers–A Danger On Highways

experienced ocala truck accident lawyer

On July 1, 2013, new federal regulations designed to improve safety for the motoring public by reducing truck driver fatigue took effect.  "Safety is our highest priority," said U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. "These rules make common sense, data-driven changes to reduce truck driver fatigue and improve safety for every traveler on our highways and roads." Trucking companies were provided 18 months to adopt the new hours-of-service rules for truck drivers. First announced in December 2011 the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the rules limit the average work week for truck drivers to 70 hours to...

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Boat Accident Injuries Increasing in Florida

experienced ocala boat accident lawyer

Boats are a way of life in Florida, where the nearly 875,000 registered recreational vessels far surpass the number found in any other state in the U.S.  That makes sense, given our easy access to lakes, rivers, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic. Unfortunately, what also makes sense is the fact that Florida leads the nation in the number of boating accidents per year (581 in 2014), as well as the number of deaths due to boating accidents (62 in 2014).  What is really discouraging, though, is that despite Florida’s boating education program and boating safety regulations, the number of...

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Avoiding a Florida Golf Cart Accident

golf cart accident lawyer

The fatal golf cart crash that occurred in December, 2016, in Pasco County, highlighted the serious, growing problem of golf cart accidents in Florida.  In this particular case, a Jeep Cherokee and a golf cart were traveling in the same direction on a dark, unmarked road.  The Jeep hit the rear of the golf cart, the vehicle turned over, and the four passengers were ejected. Each year thousands of people are injured nationwide in golf cart accidents. Even those who do not drive their vehicles on dark, unmarked roads can be seriously injured in crashes when jolted or thrown out of...

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$24 Million Awarded to Widower Of Woman

drunk driving injuries and fatalities

A Florida jury recently awarded $24 million to a man whose wife was killed when a car, driven by a drunken driver, crossed a sidewalk, jumped a curb, and then crashed into the poolside cabana at the Riverside Hotel. Jurors assigned 15% liability to the hotel and  85% of the liability to 37-year-old Rosa Kim.  She was sentenced in January to 15 years in prison. The decedent, who was 26-year-old, was seven months pregnant and on a vacation with her husband. ...

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Increase in Large Truck Accidents


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, large trucks accounted for 3,964 fatalities in 2013.  That is the fourth straight jump in annual large truck-involved fatalities, dating back to 2009. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reports that the top ten most common factors causing these accidents are fatigue, brake problems, distractions, traffic flow interruption, prescription drug use, drunk driving, traveling too fast for conditions, unfamiliarity with roadway, over-the-counter drug use, and inadequate surveillance.  While many of the factors are attributed to the fault of the driver, there can be others who share in the blame such as the trucking...

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Golf Cart Laws in Lady Lake, FL

accidents on golf courses

In 2003, the Town of Lady Lake, Florida passed the following ordinances pertaining to Low-Speed Vehicles and Golf Carts. Florida also has its own set of golf cart laws. Sec. 17-2. - Low-speed vehicles. (a) Definition of low speed vehicle. Pursuant to F.S. § 320.01(42), a low-speed vehicle is any four-wheeled electric vehicle whose top speed is greater than twenty (20) miles per hour but not greater than twenty-five (25) miles per hour, including neighborhood electric vehicles. Said vehicles must conform to the safety standards in 49 C.F.R. Section 571.500 and F.S. § 316.2122. For purposes of this section, "golf carts" as...

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Is Hands Free Driving Safe?

hands free driving

According to a recent study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 3 out of 4 drives believe hands-free use is safe.  However, the study found that hands-free systems in vehicles can distract drivers more than was previously believed.  The results of the study revealed the following: The accuracy of voice recognition software significantly influences the rate of distraction; Composing text messages and emails using in-vehicle technologies was more distracting than using these systems to listen to messages; Use of Apple's Siri generated a relatively high level of mental distraction; Using an error-free speech-to-text system to listen to and compose emails or texts...

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Bicycle Accidents Increasing in Florida

bicycle accident attorney

The number of bicyclists killed on roadways in the United States is trending upward, according to a report released by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). In its report, the GHSA notes that yearly bicyclist deaths increased 16 percent between 2010 and 2012, while overall motor vehicle fatalities increased just one percent during the same time period. According to the report, Florida is now second (behind California) in the most bicycle deaths in the United States, with 329 accidents.  Florida also ranked highest for most motor vehicle related cyclist deaths at 5% annually. There wave been some remarkable changes when analyzing current and historical...

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Golf Cart Accident in The Villages?

golf course injuries

With the ever-increasing number of retirees moving to The Villages each year, we continue to see a rise in the number of golf carts being utilized on the streets.  And with that, comes an increase in golf cart accidents. If you are involved in a golf cart accident in The Villages or surrounding areas, there are several things to remember: Do not leave the scene of the accident. Call 911 and get medical attention if you need it.  It is also important to call the police even if there is are no serious injuries.  You will likely need a police report to...

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Florida’s Low-Speed Vehicle Laws

slow speed limits

In Florida, a “low-speed vehicle” means any four-wheeled vehicle whose top speed is greater than 20 miles per hour but not greater than 25 miles per hour, including, but not limited to, neighborhood electric vehicles. Below is a summary of some of Florida's low-speed vehicle laws: A low-speed vehicle  may be operated only on streets where the posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour or less.  This does not prohibit a low-speed vehicle from crossing a road or street at an intersection where the road or street has a posted speed limit of more than 35 miles per hour. A low-speed vehicle...

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Governor Rick Scott Signs Aaron Cohen Life Protection Act

Ocala car accident lawyer for accidents involving fatalities

On June 24, 2014, Governor Rick Scott signed Senate Bill 102, which creates the Aaron Cohen Life Protection Act relating to leaving the scene of an accident.  This bill includes increasing the punishment for leaving the scene of a crash resulting in serious injury to a person, imposing a mandatory minimum term for imprisonment of 4 years for a driver convicted of leaving the scene of a crash resulting in the death of a person, increasing the mandatory minimum term of imprisonment from1-4 years for a driver convicted of leaving the scene of a crash resulting in the death of...

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New Requirement for Trucks

trucking injuries and crashes

It is estimated that the rule would eliminate approximately 1,115 fatal crashes and require minimal investment by carriers since most heavy trucks already have limiters on board. The first efforts for rulemaking on this subject came in 2006 when petitions were brought by the American Trucking Association (ATA) and Road Safe America (RSA). They said that a key strategy in preventing large truck fatal crashes is to reduce the top travel speed of the trucks. Studies were cited showing that large trucks moving at high speeds have much longer stopping distances than the same trucks operated at lower speeds. According to...

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Teenagers & Distracted Driving

car accident attorney

"Novice drivers are more likely to engage in high-risk secondary tasks more frequently over time as they became more comfortable with driving." Traffic studies reveal that drivers from 15 years to 20 years of age represent 6.4% of all motorists on the road, but account for 11.4% of fatalities and 14% of police-reported crashes resulting in injuries. Cell phones and other electronic devices have garnered the most public and media interest, but even the simplest distractions can put a young driver at risk. In the New England Journal of Medicine study, titled “Distracted Driving and Risk of Crashes Among Novice and Experienced...

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Couple File Suit Against Golf Cart Dealership

A lawsuit was recently filed by a Florida couple against a Perry, Florida-based golf cart dealership after the wife was left partially disabled after an accident.  Danielle and John Pfeil of Arcadia, Fla., filed the lawsuit in federal court in Macon, Georgia against Mike’s Golf Carts, a company located in Perry, Florida. Danielle Pfeil was seriously injured in the golf cart accident on November 25, 2011, at Jewel Mint Plantation, the lawsuit states.  The lawsuit alleges that a golf cart modified by Mike’s Golf Carts malfunctioned, resulting in the golf cart overturning on Danielle Pfeil (who was driving it).  The lawsuit states...

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Seatbelts Will Soon Be Required On Large Buses

New tour buses and buses that provide service between cities must be equipped with seatbelts starting in late 2016 under a new federal rule, a safety measure sought by accident investigators for nearly a half century. Beginning in November 2016, all new motorcoaches and some other large buses must be equipped by manufacturers with three-point lap-shoulder belts, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said.  The rule will not apply to school buses or city transit buses. Every year, an average of 21 people are killed in large crashes, and almost 8,000 others are injured annually, according to the NHTSA. It’s estimated...

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