Stair and Ramp Slip and Falls

Trip and falls can happen anywhere, and can cause serious injuries to even the most physically fit victims. Even same level-falls—falls to the same floor level—can result in torn ligaments, brain injuries, and broken bones. Multi-level falls, such as falls on a ramp or set of stairs or steps, are usually even worse due to the increased distance to the ground and multiple impacts. Over one million Americans are injured on stairs every year according to Reuters, and people of all age ranges end up being victims.
How Stairway and Ramp Falls Happen
Many falls that occur on stairs and ramps are simply a case of missing one’s footing due to personal error. In these cases, the property owner did nothing wrong, and will not be held liable. However, do not be so sure that you were completely to blame. Often when an attorney looks into things more thoroughly, they find evidence of property owner negligence, such as the following:
- No handrail;
- Handrail was broken;
- Stairs were not to code, such as being too high or not deep enough;
- Ramp was too steep;
- Steps were worn, chipped, cracked, or uneven;
- Steps or ramp was slick with a spilled substance;
- Stairwell was too poorly lighten;
- Step or ramp carpeting was torn;
- Stairs or ramp were made dangerous by clutter, debris, or construction materials;
- No warning signage of an elevation change where signage is needed;
- No guard railing around sunken stairwell; and
- A history of previous slip, trip, and falls in the location for any other reason.
Property Owner Negligence
Property and business owners have a duty to ensure that all stairs and ramps on their property are safe and of suitable condition for all users of all abilities. The societal impact caused in stairway falls is huge—these falls cost the U.S. $92 billion in medical care and lost productivity. As such, property owners and business owners can be held accountable for injuries and deaths that happen on their property when their liability c can be proven. Liability requires that the property owner had real or constructive knowledge about the hazard on their stairs or ramp, had time to take action to fix the hazard, yet failed to do so.
Most Common Types of Injuries in Stair Falls
According to research, the following are the most common types of injuries in stair accidents:
- 3 percent—Sprains and strains;
- 8 percent—Soft tissue injuries; and
- 3 percent—fractures.
The most commonly injured body regions include:
- 1 percent—Lower extremity injuries; and
- 6 percent—Head and neck.
Contact Our Village Stair and Ramp Trip and Fall Attorneys Today
If you are the victim of a slip, trip, and fall on a staircase or ramp, you need an experienced Village personal injury attorney to ensure that the responsible party pays for your damages. Do not hesitate to call a lawyer today to begin working on your case. The Village slip, trip, or fall attorneys at Glover Law Firm are here for you; call us at 352-484-0775 to schedule a free consultation.